Weight-loss midpoint goal reached

This morning when I got on the scale, I made it under 20% body fat—19.9, to be precise! That, along with getting under 200 lbs, were my current goals. I’m at 201.4 lbs, so hopefully I can make both of them by the time I fly home Thursday for my friend’s wedding. For some context, I started out at 240 lbs and over 30% body fat.

For those interested in the methods, it’s a combination of portion control, eating low-calorie (250-350) frozen dinners, and working out 2-3 times a week. I eat roughly 1300-1500 calories a day, but I haven’t cut anything out of my diet (especially not beer!). And I finally started taking a self-defense class, which I’d wanted to do for years. Krav Maga is my method of choice.

Next goals: 195 lbs, 18% body fat